‘SMART 2.0’ launched for Ayurveda Teaching Professionals
‘SMART 2.0’ launched for Ayurveda Teaching Professionals
Posted On: 03 JAN 2024 , Delhi
The Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) along with National Commission for Indian System of Medicine (NCISM) has launched ‘SMART 2.0’ (Scope for Mainstreaming Ayurveda Research among Teaching professionals) program to promote robust clinical studies in priority areas of Ayurveda with Ayurveda academic institutions/hospitals across the country through mutual collaboration.

Pic: CCRAS and NCISM officials launching the SMART 2.0 program
According to Prof (Vd) Rabinarayan Acharya, DG, CCRAS, the study aims at safety, tolerability and adherence to Ayurveda formulations in the priority research areas of Bal Kasa, Malnutrition, Insufficient lactation, Abnormal Uterine Bleeding, Osteoporosis in post-menopausal women and Diabetes Mellitus (DM) II.
CCRAS is an apex organization for the formulation, co-ordination, development and promotion of research on scientific lines in Ayurveda, functioning under the Ministry of Ayush. The objective of ‘SMART 2.0’ is to generate a tangible evidence to demonstrate efficacy and safety of Ayurveda interventions using interdisciplinary research methods and translating it into public health care. Under the ‘SMART 1.0’, around 10 diseases were covered with the active participation of teaching professionals from 38 colleges.
Ayurveda academic institutions interested to take-up collaborative research activities may submit ‘Expression of Interest’ in the prescribed format available on the CCRAS website http://ccras.nic.in/sites/default/files/Notices/02012024_SMART.pdf . The information or a query may be sent across to the email of ccrassmart2.0[at]gmail[dot]com with a copy to president.boa@ncismindia.org on or before 10th January.