Even Though INDIA is declared Polio Free but still 23% of Infants remain Non-immunized Against Polio

23% of Infants Remain Non-immunized Against Polio in

Even though India was declared polio free, carelessness in administration of vaccines has sprouted some cases of the disease across the country. Paras Hospitals, Panchkula has surprisingly reported some negligence in the distribution of vaccines. Even though the population covered by the polio vaccine stands at 76%, 23% of infants of less than 14 months have not been vaccinated. Poliovirus especially attacks children and infants thus causing the infant to live a crippled life ahead.

Examining the importance of polio vaccine Dr Jyoti Chawla, Senior consultant Pediatrics, Paras Bliss Panchkula says “Due to improving health infrastructure in our country, the availability of vaccines for polio are widespread. It is readily available and financially feasible. There have been numerous NGOs in Haryana itself who have taken the onus of this noble cause and administered vaccines for free under the guidelines of doctors. Polio vaccine should be given immediately after the neonate is born. Children should get four doses of the oral polio drops-2 months, 4 months, 6 months and a booster dose at 6-14 years. It is a virus that resides in the throat or the intestinal tract.”

Polio causes paralysis and this causes hindrance in our daily lifestyles. Unlike most diseases, polio can be completely eradicated. The intensive health care program to immunize children under the campaigns like “Do boond zindagi ke” have gained momentum and helped masses in understanding the gravity of the vaccine. A poliovirus can hibernate in a human’s body for long stretches of time. But if it doesn’t find an unvaccinated person, it would die out. Thus programs like Mission Indradhanush (the national immunization program) is aiding in eradicating the polio virus and other diseases spread through viruses.

Busting some of the common myths against polio,  Dr Jyoti Chawla clarifies “Some people are of the opinion that one dosage of the polio vaccine is enough to prevent the attack from the virus. Even though there is no medical emergency regarding polio in the state, poliovirus can be completely eliminated from the state. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) conducts regular surveillance against cases of polio virus. The polio vaccine doesn’t cause any side effects and is particularly good in taste keeping in mind the infants and their tolerance. Another common myth associated with polio vaccine is that it causes impotency which is a ridiculous claim. The polio vaccine is the safest vaccine there is.”

WHO declared India polio free in the year of 2014. The fight against polio began in the year 1976 with the resolve to immunize children below 5 years for polio. The launch of inactivated polio vaccine has further helped to give a boost to India’s fight against polio. The vaccine strengthens the immunity and prevents disability from occurring in children. Polio usually affects children who drink contaminated water that attacks the nervous system to cause paralysis. It is still endemic in Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is possible that the virus re enters India. Hence immunization is of prime importance across states in India.