Union Power Minister Madhavrao Jyotiraditya Scindia unveiling CSR initiatives of REC...

Union Power Minister Madhavrao Jyotiraditya Scindia unveiling CSR initiatives of REC…

Union Power Minister unveiling CSR initiatives of REC in Madhya Pradesh

Hon’ble Minister of State for Power (I/C), GoI, Shri Madhavarao Jyotiraditya Scindia, Distributing Aids and Appliances to Persons with Disabilities in Guna, and launching the Smile on Wheels, a mobile medical unit, in District Ashoknagar, Madhya Pradesh, in presence of Shri P.J.Thakkar, Director (Technical), REC, and other senior officials of REC, ALIMCO and SMILE Foundation, both programmes supported by REC under CSR initiatives.


REC has committed financial assistance under CSR to ALIMCO, for providing Aids and Appliances to Persons with Disabilities in 10 districts and towns in 6 states, namely UP, MP, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh, including Guna, thereby benefitting over 2500 persons from backward sections of society, thereby enabling them to lead improved quality of lives of independence and dignity, and to improve the socio economic status of the direct as well as indirect beneficiaries, ie their families and care givers in the long term.

The Power Minister has also launched a mobile medical unit, “Smile on Wheels”, sponsored under REC CSR inititives, to be deployed in select villages in Chanderi, in backward Distt of  Ashoknagar in Madhya Pradesh, with the objective of rendering affordable & advance primary health care to the underprivileged population, particularly women and children, of remote rural areas, which have been ignored and neglected for long, through preventive, promotive & curative services at their doorsteps,  to ensure equal access of health services to all the community members. The mobile health van shall provide services to the people residing in targeted villages in the areas of reproductive and child health including antenatal care to ensure safe motherhood and general health care services along with linkages to nearby government health institution, private clinics and health centers.

The Power Minister appreciated the initiatives of REC towards Corporate Social Initiatives in various domains spanning Education, Skill Development, Healthcare, Promotion of non-Conventional energy sources, and infrastructure creation across the country.