Sh A. P. Singh, a Direct Recruit Officer of the 10th batch has taken over as..

Sh A. P. Singh, a Direct Recruit Officer of the 10th batch has taken over as..

 Sh A. P. Singh, a Direct Recruit Officer of the 10th batch has taken over as Zonal Manager (I/C) of  LIC North Zone on 19.4.2012.

A Post Graduate in English Literature fromAllahabadUniversitywith PGDHRM, Mr Singh has held various important positions such as Senior Divisional Manager atMeerutand Delhi DO –I, Chief Executive Officer / MD LIC Nepal Ltd, Joint Director – Management Development Centre, Chief Executive Officer of LIC HFL Care Homes Ltd and Zonal Manager, Central Zone  prior to his current assignment.

He was associated with Professor Ishwar Dayal, Founder Director of IIM Lucknow for 5 years with regard to Corporate HRD / OD initiatives of LICI.

As the leader of this Zone , Sh. Singh’s  focus will be on substantial growth in business along-with corresponding achievements in the servicing areas so that LIC North Zone once again occupies the “numero uno” position in the Corporation

He is a voracious reader and an active practitioner of meditation and believes in exploring of the self with the ultimate aim of self realization.