REC signs MoU with DVC

A MoUwas signed between Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd. (REC) and Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) and on 22nd March, 2017, at DVC Towers, Kolkata, to provide a holistic framework for extending long term financing and capacity support.

The MoU was signed by Dr. P.V. Ramesh, CMD, REC and Shri Andrew W.K. Langstieh, Chairman, DVC in presence of Shri P.K. Mukhopadhyay, Member-Secretary & Member (Finance), DVC, Shri R.P. Tripathi, Member (Technical), DVC, Shri S.K. Gupta, Director (Technical), REC and Mrs. RituMaheshwari, IAS, Executive Director (T&D), REC.The said MoU would ensure financing ongoing and upcoming projects of DVC on the best and most competitive terms and also for extending other value added services for the next five years.