Punjab & Sind Bank gets two new Executive Directors ,Mukesh Kumar Jain and Kishore Kumar Saini
Punjab & Sind Bank gets Two Executive Directors
New Executive Directors Join at Punjab & Sind Bank
In pursuance to the Government Of India, Ministry Of Finance notification dated 5.8.2013, Sh. Mukesh Kumar Jain & Sh.Kishore Kumar Sansi joined Punjab & Sind Bank as Executive Directors .
Prior to joining Punjab & Sind Bank as Executive Director, Sh. Jain was a Chief General Manager at Dena Bank. A post graduate in Commerce from Delhi School of Economics & a Chartered Accountant(1st Class), Sh. Jain has a long & varied experience of over 27 years in Banking both at Operational & Administrative level different departments /branches/zones of Dena Bank .He joined Dena Bank as Manager Credit in June 1987 & has headed large branches & zones of the Bank throughout the country viz., Mumbai, Delhi, Gujrat, Karnataka, Andhra Predesh, Madhya Pradesh etc. At head office of the Bank, he has headed various departments like Credit Administration ,Integerated Risk Management, Planning & Business Development, Priority Sector & Regional Rural Bank, Financial Inclusion, Govt. Business & Bank Assurance etc. He has been Director on the Board of bank sponsored RRB viz, Dena Gujrat Gramin Bank. He is also a member of two Indian Bank Association(IBA) Committees viz.,Standing Committee on Accounting Standards & Taxation & working Group on IFRS Transition.
Sh.Sansi was Field General Manager,Chandigarh at Oriental Bank Of Commerce before joining Punjab & Sind Bank as Executive Director.A post graduate in Science ,Sh.Sansi brings with him a long & varied experience of more than 30 years in the areas especially of Foreign Exchange,General Banking,Risk Management & IT. Having joined Oriental Bank Of Commerce as a probationary Officer in the year 1980 ,he has worked in various capacities in the field & at HO level of the Bank.