NTPC NETRA Installs India’s highest temperature Drop Tube Reactor and Photogrammetry System

NETRA (NTPC Energy Technology Research Alliance)  has installed India’s first of its kind, indigenously developed , high temperature (designed for 1500 Deg C) Drop Tube Reactor (DTR) system recently. The DTR system is used for combustion characterization of coal/biomass and is used for designing Advanced Ultra Super critical Technology and reducing carbon footprint from the fossil fuel plants.
Photogrammetry System of Solar Thermal Lab has also been installed and commissioned by M/s DLR, Germany at NETRA under Indo German R&D cooperation with the German grant. System installed for the first time in the country  to measure 3D spatial coordinates of ‘point cloud’ of solar concentrators and  help in understanding its integrity.
NTPC is fully aligned to the needs of adapting to emerging technologies and upgrading the technologies through research and development as a leading player in the World Energy Sector. The company is particularly sensitive to Research & Development and the paradigm shift which it can make. NETRA (NTPC Energy Technology Research Alliance) set up in 2009 is the outcome of this vision.
Climate change, waste management, carbon capture and Utilization, new & renewable energy, efficiency improvement and cost reduction are core areas of research at NETRA. It is also providing scientific support to NTPC and other power utilities for improving availability, reliability and efficiency.