National Level Painting Competition for Energy Conservation to be held on 12th December

 National Level Painting Competition for Energy  Conservation to be held on 12th December



New Delhi: Ministry of Power has launched the National awareness campaign in association with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE)   to promote energy conservation amongst  school children. The National Level Painting Competition for energy conservation shall be held at NTPC’s Power Management Institute on 12th December 9.30 AM onwards.   108 students selected from across the country are expected to take part.  The painting competition is organized in three stages at School, State and National Level to spread the message for the need for Energy Conservation. The school level competitions were started in the month of July.


The winners of the National Level Competition will be selected by the eminent jury members and awarded on Energy Conservation Day, 14th  December by Shri Piyush Goyal, Hon’bleMinister of State(Independent Charge) for   Power, Coal and New & Renewable energy ,Govt. of India.


National energy conservation day is celebrated every year to spread the message of conserving energy by organizing discussions, conferences, debates, workshops, competitions and etc across the country. These Encourage people for efficient energy use in order to decrease the energy consumption and prevent the energy loss.