HUDCO AND MoHUPA jointly signs an MOU

HUDCO AND MoHUPA jointly signs an MOU

New Delhi, March 27 : The Memorandum of Understanding for the year 2014-15 was signed between Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited (HUDCO) and Ministry of Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA) with Anita Agnihotri, Secretary (MoHUPA) and N.L. Manjoka, Officiating Chairman and Managing Director (HUDCO) on 25th March, 2014 in the presence of K.B.S. Sidhu, Joint Secretary (Housing), Ministry of HUPA and AK Kaushik, Director (Finance), HUDCO.

The MoU for 2014-15 envisages a significant growth in the operations of HUDCO in the housing and urban development sectors with proposed sanctions of Rs.16100 crore and disbursements of Rs. 7300 crore during the year with exclusive focus on social housing and core infrastructure.

As per the MoU, MoHUPA would facilitate HUDCO to achieve its projected growth by supporting the Corporation to increase its credit worthiness and enable it to achieve its social objectives by providing the necessary policy support. The Ministry would also support HUDCO in mobilizing resources at lower costs.