FIITJEE Bhopal Student Tanvi Ganesh Joshi is Bhopal City Topper

FIITJEE Bhopal Student Tanvi Ganesh Joshi is Bhopal City Topper and 2nd State Topper amongst Girls in Madhya Pradesh in NTSE Stage-1

Tanvi Ganesh Joshi, Four Year Classroom Program student from FIITJEEBhopal Centre is City Topperand 2nd State Topper in National Talent Search Examination (NTSE STAGE – 1), 2017-18.
53 FIITJEE BhopalStudents cleared NTSE STAGE – 1 from Bhopal City.

Bhopal, 15thFebruary2018: Displaying the supremacy of FIITJEE’s teaching methodology, students from FIITJEE’s Bhopal Centre havedone remarkably well by topping the in NTSE Stage-1results in the City.
Total 53 students from FIITJEE BhopalCentrehave demonstrated exemplary scholastic brilliance by qualifying in National Talent Search Examination Stage-1 results (NTSE) 2017-18sss.

The National Talent Search Examination (NTSE) is a National level examination cum scholarship program. The scholarship program is conducted by NCERT and students studying in class X are eligible for NTSE 2018 examination and selection procedure. NTSE 2017 was conducted on November 5 for Stage I.

Tanvi Ganesh Joshi has been declared asBhopal City Topper and 2nd State Topper amongst Girls in Madhya Pradesh and has scored143 marks out of 150marks(MAT+SAT).She is a FourYear Classroom Program student of FIITJEE Bhopal Center.Exuberant with the joy of success, Tanvi said “The competition was very tough indeed and it was a battle of brains, where concept and reasoning were the keys to answer the questions in limited time. Qualifying in this kind of exam warrants rigorous practice and I am immensely thankful to my faculty at FIITJEEBhopal Centre for raising my IQ to such competitive level through the study materials, doubt-clearing sessions and personalized guidance, which have been one of the notable reasons of my success this far.”

“We are thrilled with the exemplary performance of our students reflected through the outstanding results secured by them in NTSE Stage-1 results. Understanding the importance of the relevance of early preparation, FIITJEE believes in nurturing and enhancing the IQ of students as early as when in class VIII grade. Rote learning methods in Science just do not work as they fail to generate inquisitiveness and conceptual knowledge in children.” says Mr. Abhishek Pandey, Centre Head, FIITJEE, Bhopal.

The result of State Level National Talent Search Examination – 2017-18 (Stage-I) for class X has been announced recently.

These students have been qualified to appearin the Second stage of NTSE -2018, which is to be conducted by NCERT in the month of May 2018.

NTSE exam is conducted every year for class 10 students and is extremely popular scholarship examination among the bright and talented students of the country. This scheme was initiated in the year 1963 by Government of India to bring up qualitative improvement in the school education.

FIITJEE is the nation’s premier institute for IIT-JEE training. FIITJEE believes that the ideal time for nurturing and enhancing the IQ of children is when they are in class VI, VII & VIII grade. It is with this belief that FIITJEE started imparting training to develop the nascent raw intelligence of the students from class VI onwards.