Category: From the Astrologers Desk

Posted in From the Astrologers Desk

Corona a curse on India- Astrological analysis by Ms. Manu Sisodia

“CURSE” on IndiaCorona Virus An Astrological Analysis (Indian Perspective) -By Manu Sisodia (views expressed are solely of the author,author is a Jyotish Acharya degree holder…

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Posted in From the Astrologers Desk

Italy can expect relief from 4th May in fatalities of Coronavirus says a study by Ajay Kapoor a research student of Astrology and an Architect by Profession.

By Ajay kapoor New Delhi (The author of this article is a Jyotish Acharya from Institute of Astrology,Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,New Delhi and Practising Architect by…

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Posted in From the Astrologers Desk

2020: An Astrological View to the Deadly Year – By Asavri Rekha Singhal

By Asavri Rekha Singhal New Delhi (The author of this article is a Jyotish Acharya from Institute of Astrology,Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,New Delhi ,views expressed are…

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