“Cycles to Motor-bikes to Cars – consumption of petroleum products growing in Indian villages”
Date 06.05.2017
“Cycles to Motor-bikes to Cars – consumption of petroleum products growing in Indian villages” – Depiction of all-round growth of Indian Economy …
Sri Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon’ble Union Minister of State (IC) for Petroleum & Natural Gas, said on the occasion of inauguration of 2-days national seminar on “Production productivity for sustainability in coal & power sector” on 05.05.2017 organized by WCPS(I)
A Brief Report
Hon’ble Union Minister of State (IC) for Petroleum & Natural Gas, Sri Dharmendra Pradhan, inaugurated the 2-days national seminar on “Production productivity for sustainability in coal & power sector” on 05.05.2017 organized in New Delhi by World Confederation of Productivity Science (India), an organization dedicated for productivity movement in India.
Shri Dharmendra Pradhan-ji in his keynote address lauded the new initiatives taken by Government of India in the last three years in various sectors like Coal, Power, Renewable Energy, Mines, Petroleum & National Gas, and also called for collective effort for further enhancement of productivity across all sectors in India. He explained that energy is the backbone of growth for every economy, and in India, growth is primarily dependent on growth and productivity of our agriculture sector, for which Government is committed to make available every form of energy to them. With the proactive steps and initiatives being taken, we are sure to grow faster and be more productive in the days to come. He cited an example of present scenario of growing consumption of petroleum products in Indian villages and this is because of the cyclists are moving towards motorbikes and motor-bikers are upgrading themselves to small cars. It depicts the growth story from grass-root level.
Hon’ble Minister portrayed about ‘Energy Basket’, consideration of all form of energy. He advised the organizers of this Seminar to deliberate on increasing the productivity of ‘Energy Basket’ of India in a holistic manner. He stressed that only with the increased all-round productivity, we can achieve multi-dimensional growth in socio-economic sphere of the country, resultantly the social evils like poverty and unemployment shall be vanished.
Other eminent speakers like Dr. AK Dubey, IAS, Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of Youth Affairs; Sh. Suthirtha Bhattacharya, IAS, Chairman, Coal India Ltd.; and Sh. Kulamani Biswal, Director(Finance), NTPC Ltd. also addressed the gathering on this occasion and illustrates the dimensions & approaches for enhancement of productivity of coal, power and other energy sectors.