Acharya Lokesh addressed the Advisory Forum meeting of KAICIID

Acharya Lokesh addressed the Advisory Forum meeting of KAICIID


“New Common Enemy” Provides Inspiration for Reconciliation of Faiths at High-Level Meetings in Vienna


Prominent faith leaders from across the world were inspired towards promoting interfaith reconciliation by joining forces against a “new common enemy.”


The meetings, held by the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID), under the leadership of Faisal Bin Abdulrahmanbin Muaammar, Secretary-General, KAICIID, brought together foremost leaders from the Muslim, Hindu, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain, and other faiths under a common banner for the promotion of peace and reconciliation in these trying times.


Featuring prominently as a speaker was Founder of Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti and eminent Jain Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni.  Addressing the meeting H.H. Acharya Lokesh Muni expressing pride for representing Jain Religion in the Advisory Board of World’s prestigious inter religious, inter cultural platform KAICIID and thanking KAICIID for this on behalf of Jain religion said that Jain Religion gives emphasis to Non-Violence, Unity in Diversity and Renunciation. Jain religion believes that War, Violence and Terrorism cannot solve any problem. Violence gives rise to counter violence. He said that we can solve every problem through dialogue.


HH Acharya Lokesh appreciation the working of KAICIID said that KAICIID is doing important work in this field, but the adverse atmosphere of violence and religious intolerance is increasing in the world. There is need for us to work more comprehensively in such times. In this grim light, KAICIID creates a hope. Wherever KAICIID is working a hope has created. From Nigeria to Africa to Middle East the work taken by KAICIID has a larger goal.


HH Acharya Lokesh talking about solving the Global Problems said today world is facing numerous challenges which are threatening the planet. These are human generated problems. We have to find their solutions. From Global warming to terrorism affected every citizen of the planet. Be it a country to culture, be it a human or a land, a body or an experience, the challenges is on the door. Today we need religions more unite than ever. Today we need to come together and walk hand in hand.

H.H. Acharya Lokesh also said that people of many religions, communities and multicultural have different lifestyle and rituals and that is the beauty of our world. In order to protect the multicultural nature of world 24th Tirthankar of Jain religion Bhagwaan Mahavir’s principle of Anekant Darshan (Unity in Diversity) can be very useful. Anekant Darshan says that we must respect other’s thoughts, feelings and philosophies along with respecting our own thoughts and philosophies. Human is not a machine product so difference of opinions, ideas, interests and philosophies is natural. In democracy difference in opinions is considered to be way for development. Only when difference of opinions becomes difference in hearts it becomes a problem. Through dialogue based on the principle of Unity in Diversity we can solve many global problems.



H.H. Acharya Lokesh further said that it is expected that to work immediately in such situations a Peace Task Force should be formed. In case of Riots, communal or religious tensions police should do their work, administration should their work and Peace Task Force can give important contribution towards establishing Peace and Harmony.


In the meeting Swami Chidanand ji president paramarth Niketan, Rabbi Marc Schneier, Founder and Chairman, Foundation for Ethnic Understanding (FFEU), SWAMI AGNIVESHJI, President Emeritus of World Council of Arya Samaj, BHAI SAHIB MOHINDER SINGH AHLUWALIA, third in line of Sikh religious leaders of Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha, GNNSJ UK, and since 1995, Chairman of the Nishkam Group of Charitable Organisations,   HIS EXCELLENCY BISHOP MIGUEL AYUSO, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue,  DR. SALEH SULEMAN AL-WOHAIBI, Secretary General of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, CHIEF RABBI DAVID ROSEN, American Jewish Committee, International Director of Interreligious Affairs, SADHVI BHAGAWATI SARASWATI,  Secretary General, Global Interfaith WASH Alliance and many other distinguished dignitaries also expressed their views.

Author: sarkarimirror